Monday, September 17, 2007

a sapling named "US"..

My parents returned from their brief visit to Kerala, my native place.
My father is building his dream house for his post retirement plans over his ancestral property.
The old wooden architecture which had weathered over a period of 100 years was now being replaced by a new concrete structure.

Of everything, I enquired about the ‘mammoth’ mango tree in our courtyard.

I use the word mammoth because its girth cannot be measured by even three people if they hold hands together.

Since my early childhood days I have had very fond memories of this tree.

It has been a good provider!
It has been a safe haven to many of its chirpy inhabitants,
it has always provided shade and respite from the heat and humidity during my vacations visits in mid summer and,
I have always taken refuge in its thick branches to hide after mischief,

Above all I have always relished feasting on the big ripe mangoes!!

My father tells me how as a young boy he remembers his father taking utmost care of the tree.

Grandpa made sure that his sapling had adequate water, manure, sunshine and shade.
He made sure that the household cattle did not chew on it..
Took great pain to keep it free from pests..
He would occasionally dig around it to ensure the top soil was replaced..and tirelessly provided it with required nutrients..

He spend lot of time ensuring that this ‘sapling’ was getting stronger day by day to see through rough weather..
Once during a fierce storm the young tree’s branches gave away and the trunk split in two.
He then took great care and efforts to support the tree with makeshift supports.
And today it resembles Siamese twins.

Since then it has seen so many seasons and even worse storms..
Winds have blown away the withered, pale leaves..
Exposing the branches bearing a witness to nudity..
Leaving behind a transparent canopy..

But this hasn’t been the end..

Today it stands it's ground..
With hope and assurance of flowering every next season..

And come springtime it blossoms in its fullness again..
Yet again its a tree of providence..

Its so perfect..!!

It’s been a while that I have visited it.
This time I heard that the branches have gracefully drooped and now they kiss the ground.
Though it still produces a great yield..

I have never seen my grandpa..!

But what I do see of him is this tree - his testimony of great care and affection..

And this reminds me of a sapling..

A sapling named “US”..

Which I took great care to nourish..
Alas! I couldn’t see it flourish..
I did ensure the roots had gone deep inside..
But then somehow the wind was never on my side..

Then set winter..

And there I stood.. to watch it wither away..
..leaf by leaf, never to see a spring again..

Though I am glad I had my share of spring..

I wonder if grandpa would have nodded hear me say..
“That I wasn’t as good as you..”

Or if he would just smile and say..
“Dear, not all saplings are meant to stay..”


AKASH said...

BRAVO my friend..quite nice..and the SANDY song was quite nostalgic

Anita said...

Really good one… I found this one the best of all you have written.. Looking forward to read more like these… :)